
Search Rankings for Mobile Searches

Google considers the mobile-friendliness of your website in its mobile search rankings. If your website is not “mobile-ready” or you don’t have a separate mobile website, then it will not rank as high as sites that do have one.

Sonora DesignWorks can help you to convert your website design to a responsive design (mobile-ready). You may be shocked at how many visitors to your current website are using their phone or tablet.  Having a “bad experience” because your site looks and functions poorly on a phone or other handheld device is not something you want your visitors to have.

A sample website that is not mobile-friendly, as seen on a phone:


They need to zoom and scroll to view the content and navigate the site. Here is a website that is fully optimized for mobile use:

Check to see if your site is mobile-friendly:

When you are ready to make your site work for you on any mobile device, just give us a call at 978.462.4622 or visit our “mobile-friendly” website at

Posted: May 1, 2015 In: Web Marketing

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